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Tech Textiles & Nonwovens

Apollo Beach-Based Nonprofit Provides Protective Wear For Police Dogs

Don Buckley loves big dogs, and he has always had friend..

Tech Textiles & Nonwovens

Russia Develops Protective Fabric Against Bio, Chemical Weapons

Russian scientists claim to have developed a membrane so..

Tech Textiles & Nonwovens

Global Nuclear Protective Clothing Market to Grow at CAGR 4%

Technavio has published a new report on the global nucle..

Tech Textiles & Nonwovens

India’s Technical Textiles Market Expected To Grow At 12% CAGR, Says FICC

India’s technical textiles market, which is curren..

Tech Textiles & Nonwovens

Oerlikon Neumag To Present Electrostatically Charging Unit For Nonwovens At

Oerlikon Neumag plans to premiere its newly-developed co..