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Apparel, Footwear, Fashion

DRI-CAVE™ Technology Offers Better Thermal Efficiency In Apparel, Footwea

HEAT-MX WORLDWIDE announced DRI-CAVE™ technology for v..

Apparel, Footwear, Fashion

Govt. To Ensure India Size Dream Comes True

Your dream of entering a retail store and walking out wi..

Apparel, Footwear, Fashion

Bangladesh Scores High On Non-Conventional Apparel Markets

Bangladesh witnessed a sharp and robust growth in shipme..

Apparel, Footwear, Fashion

GIZ To Help Ghana RMG Sector

A development partnership aimed at building and sharpeni..

Apparel, Footwear, Fashion

Smart Garments Aim To Stop Falls In People With Parkinson's Disease

A team of researchers from NeuRA and UNSW have received ..