
Violent Myanmar Workers Destroy Chinese Owned Factory Making Clothes For H&M

Violent Myanmarese workers have destroyed a Chinese owned factory making clothes for Swedish fashion retailer Hennes & Mauritz (H&M), it has been reported.


Production at Hangzhou Hundred-Tex Garment (Myanmar) Company, which was one of H&M's 40 suppliers in Myanmar, has been halted since February 9, according to company sources.


"H&M group is deeply concerned about the recent conflict and our business relationship with this factory is on hold at the moment. We are monitoring the situation closely and are in close dialogue with concerned parties. We strongly distance ourselves from all kinds of violence,” H&M said in a statement.


The dispute began with a strike in late January this year after a local labour union leader was sacked. Workers demanded a better performance review system and healthcare coverage.


However, the strike turned violent on February 9, prompting the factory's closure, after a Chinese manager was beaten up by workers who also stormed the factory as well as damaged facilities including textile machinery, computers and surveillance cameras.


The Chinese owned company makes garments such as skirts and shirts exclusively for H&M. The violence is troublesome for H&M, which is ironically seen as being at the forefront among large apparel companies in promoting workers' rights as well as fair wages.


Meanwhile, H&M has called on governments in sourcing countries such as Cambodia and Bangladesh to ensure fair pay for workers.

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