
Arvind Limited Showcases Sustainable Clothing At SAC Meeting

Arvind Limited showcased its sustainable collection of clothing at a fashion show recently, to promote sustainability in India’s textile industry. The successful showcase was held on the sidelines of Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) annual member meeting in Bangalore. The display included sustainable collection of products by Arvind such as denim, tops, shirts and khadi clothes.


The beautifully choreographed event by Bangalore-based renowned fashion stylist and choreographer Prasad Bidapa was witnessed by around 250 guests. A 45-minutes fashion showcase was divided into three brief segments in order to present Arvind Limited’s comprehensive sustainability-focused product portfolio.


The first part of the event emphasised clothes manufactured by using environment friendly cotton and recycled polyester. The second segment focused on various practices that play a significant role in producing sustainable garments, while the last segment promoted Indian craftsmanship by showcasing clothing made from khadi and local handlooms.


Arvind Limited’s Executive Director Punit Lalbhai said, “Sustainability is the new buzz word in the textile industry worldwide and it has always been our key-focus area. With our strong research and development team, it has always been our constant endeavour to innovate new apparel manufacturing techniques. Today, thanks to SAC annual meeting, we got an opportunity to showcase an entire range of our sustainable clothing portfolio.”


Arvind Limited’s CEO (Shirts) Ashish Kumar, who was also present at the event said, “In current times, sustainability has become need of the hour and we should all take necessary steps to make our environmental pollution free. We take immense pride in today’s fashion showcase, where we could display a variety of our clothing manufactured by using environment-friendly products and practices.”

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