Rieter card tested for production capacity, quality and energy consumption
The C70 is the second card generation offered by Rieter in a width of 1.5 meters. Other suppliers offer cards with working widths between 1.2 and 1.5 meters. This allows direct global comparisons between these cards - with astounding results, as the following article reveals.
In all tests, considerable attention was paid to ensuring that the conditions for the C70 and for the card of the respective other supplier were comparable. Production capacity, quality and energy consumption were tested.
All quality limits met
An American customer compared the yarn quality of a polyester cotton yarn with a count of Ne 20 at various production capacities. A C70 and a 1.28-meter wide card of the latest design from another supplier were used. The C70, which the customer had in operation already for a few years, was equipped with new components to ensure that both cards were state-of-the-art. A production of 170 kilograms of sliver per hour was used as a starting point. Up to a production of 181 kilograms per hour, both machines were on a par with each other in terms of quality. The quality indicator used was the number of neps per gram in card sliver, with a limit value as required by the customer of 200 neps. With a delivery of 204 kilograms of sliver per hour, this limit was exceeded several times over by the 1.28 meter card. This was the point at which the team from the other supplier gave up and withdrew its machine from the race.
[caption id="attachment_15715" align="aligncenter" width="500"] With a production of 227 kilograms per hour, the card C 70 achieved considerably more stable nep values in the sliver.[/caption]
The C70, on the other hand, reliably and continuously produced 227 kilograms of sliver per hour within the customer's quality limits. Even without supervision by the Rieter staff, the C70 maintained an efficiency rate of 100% over several shifts. The sliver was spun on a rotor spinning machine. Despite the fact that the C70 produced considerably more card sliver, no changes in the yarn quality, such as imperfections, were noted. The yarn quality remained stable throughout the entire test period. The running values of the rotor spinning machine were very pleasing: The new state-of-the-art card C70 with high production rates came out with better results compared to the average for the rest of the card C70. The 25% increase in production with the same yarn quality generated huge customer interest in the conversion kit.
[caption id="attachment_15716" align="aligncenter" width="500"]
The sliver of the optimized card C 70 shows excellent running properties on the rotor spinning machine even at high production rates.[/caption]
Convincing results with positive implications
A Southeast Asian customer wanted to manufacture open-end yarn from 50% cotton and 50% cotton waste. He was looking for the best card for this project. As the company did not have any experience with Rieter cards at that point, a C70 was added to the existing 1.28 meter card line for comparison purposes. The question of whether the C70 produces more efficiently than the existing cards was soon answered: The test showed that the C70 produced 160 kilograms of card sliver per hour, corresponding to a 20% increase in production compared to the installed cards. A comparison also showed that the sliver of the C70 achieved 17% fewer imperfections in the yarn.
[caption id="attachment_15717" align="aligncenter" width="500"]
With 20% higher production, the card C 70 achieves better yarn values than the customer’s standard production.[/caption]
It is particularly important in the weaving mill that the yarns are even and have the relevant yarn strength and elongation. In terms of evenness and strength, the yarns produced with the C70 had a slight advantage. In terms of yarn elongation, the values for the samples from the C70 and the 1.28 meter card were statistically identical.
The test results achieved persuaded the customer, and a complete rotor spinning mill with seven C70 was ordered.
C70 with high savings potential
A Turkish customer added a new 1.28 meter card to the existing C70 card line producing open-end yarn with a count of Ne 30 from cotton. This offered the chance to conduct a comparison of the two cards at an hourly production rate of 95 kilograms of sliver. The energy consumption values recorded confirmed once again that the C70 is extremely energy-efficient, as shown by the following consumption values, taken directly from the card: The C70 required 10.2 kWh energy, the 1.28 meter card 12.4 kWh. The delta achieved of 2.2 kWh corresponds to a saving of USD 1848 per card and year with the C70 (assumption: 8400 hours per year and 10 cents/kW).
Rieter card first choice for every spinning mill
The C70 showed in a wide range of applications that it produces a high-quality sliver even at high delivery speeds. Moreover, in comparison with other suppliers it consumes less energy.
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