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India's Textile Machinery Imports Rose 1.1% In Q1FY 19-20

Imports of textile machinery in India registered a marginal growth of 1.10% to US$ 950.56 million in the first quarter of 2019-20 financial year, compared to imports in the corresponding period of last year (CPLY).  Indian textile industry imported most of its machinery from China, Germany, Japan, Belgium, USA, Korea and Vietnam. Spinning, weaving machinery imports fall Weaving machinery imports (second largest among all textile machinery imports) totalled to US$ 105.43 million with a negative growth of 11.73% in Q1 FY 19-20 over the CPLY. China is the major supplier to India for weaving machines in Q1 FY 19-20, with an import value of US$ 50.74 million and growth of 8.4%. Belgium which stands as the second largest supplier of weaving machines to India has perceived a positive growth of 94.86% to US$ 24.16 million. Imports from Italy, Japan and Germany have dropped in the Q1 FY 19-20 by 52.11%, 74.82% and 14.89% respectively over the CPLY. Under this commodity, weaving machine for weaving fabrics of a width of less than 30 cms, shuttless- type was imported the most to India from the world and the imports totalled to US$ 103.64 million, but the commodity perceived a negative growth of 10.66%. Printing machinery including digital printer (the imports of this commodity also included imports of computer printers) commodity is the top most commodity imported in India from the world. The imports of the commodity totalled to US$ 358.53 million in Q1 FY 19-20, a drop of 5.72% over the CPLY. Here too, China is top supplier to India, the imports printing machinery totalled to US$ 112.06 million with a growth of 12.69%. Imports from Japan, Germany and Vietnam have dropped by 28.33%, 27.41% and 7.07% respectively in Q1 FY 19-20. Imports of machines which perform two or more of the functions for printing have increased by 27.35% to US$ 102.84 million. India's imports of spinning, twisting and yarn preparation machines have witnessed a fall of 15.81% in Q1 FY 19-20 totalling to US$ 57.05 million over the CPLY. Again China is the top supplier here, with exports worth US$ 13.72 million, a drop of 10.21%. Imports from Germany, the fifth largest supplier, perceived a growth of 23.33% to US$ 11.81 million in Q1 FY 19-20 over the CPLY. Japan, Italy and Switzerland have witnessed a drop in their exports to India by 39.89%, 31.21% and 40.92% respectively. Under this commodity, textile winding and reeling machine was imported the most to India totalling to US$ 22.09 million, a fall of 23.86%. Imports of textile spinning machines in Q1 FY 18-19 was US$ 23.96 million, while in this fiscal year first quarter the imports have come down to US$ 10.68 million, a significant drop of 55.44%. Knitting machine imports up Imports of knitting, embroidery, trimming, braiding and other machines have increased by 23.49% to US$ 81.57 million in Q1 FY 19-20 over the CPLY. China again stands as the largest supplier to India for this commodity, with an import of US$ 61.73 million with a growth of 49.53%. Imports from Germany totalled to US$ 7.64 million, a growth of 33.37%. Imports from Korea and Japan have dropped by 21.31% and 7.13% respectively. Under this commodity, flat knitting machines and stitch-bonding machines was imported the most - totalling to US$ 26.63 million with a growth of 27.32%in Q1 FY 19-20 over the CPLY. Auxiliary machines imports have witnessed minute fall of 0.31% to US$ 91.25 million in Q1 FY 19-20 to India over the CPLY. China is leading supplier here too. The imports from China to India totalled to US$ 32.91 million with a growth of 35.47% in Q1 FY 19-20 over the CPLY. Here Germany, Japan and Italy have witnessed a downward trend of 18.41%, 28.65% and 22.93% respectively. Under this commodity, other parts and accessories used for spinning, twisting and yarn preparation machinery was imported the most to India with an value of US$ 20.13 million in Q1 FY 19-20 over the CPLY, but the commodity perceived a negative growth of 10.38%. Imports of dobbies and jacquard too have witnessed a downward fall of 25.73% to US$ 4.27 million. Spindles, spindles flyers and spinning rings and ring travellers imports too have gone down by 13.11% to US$ 2.39 million. Nonwoven machine imports pick up Nonwoven machinery imports have witnessed a major hike of 468.71% in Q1 FY 19-20 to US$ 39.89 million, over the CPLY. Here Germany is the top supplier to India and the imports suddenly rose by 3315.58% in Q1 FY 19-20 with a total of US$ 21.94 million over the CPLY where the imports totalled to US$ 0.64 million. China's exports of nonwoven machinery to Indian amounted to US$ 5.94 million with a growth of 37.06%. Sewing machine imports up by 1.4% Sewing machinery and accessories imports to India have witnessed a rise of 1.4% to US$ 65.51 million in Q1 FY 19-20 over the CPLY. Here again China takes the place to be major supplier of sewing machinery to India. The supply value totalled to US$ 35.04 million with a growth of 12.1% in Q1 FY 19-20 over the CPLY. Germany and Japan which stands as the second and third largest suppliers to India have witnessed downward growth of 37.1% (US$ 8.33 million) and 28.04% (US$ 2.79 million) respectively. Sewing machine other than made of household types and automatic units were imported the most to the country with an import value of US$ 44.96 million with growth of 4.92% in Q1 FY 19-20 over the CPLY. Automatic sewing machine units have perceived a negative growth of 7.06% to US$ 8.34 million. Drawing, texturing machine imports down Imports of machine used for extruding, drawing and texturing have witnessed downward trend in the first quarter of this fiscal year. The imports totalled to US$ 9.81 million with a negative growth of 75.48.%. China is the top supplier for this commodity, the imports totalled to US$ 4.10 million but perceived a negative growth of 59.98% in Q1 FY 19-20 over the CPLY. Country-wise textile machinery imports to India China remains the top supplier to India for textile machinery. India imported textile machinery worth US$ 371.31 million from China and perceived a growth of 13.88% in Q1 FY 19-20 over the CPLY. China shares a portion of 39% from the total imports of India's textile machinery. Printing machinery imports is the topmost commodity imported to India from China. The imports totalled to US$ 112.06 with a growth 12.69% in Q1 FY 19-20 over the CPY. Only imports of extruding, drawing and texturing machine and spinning, twisting and yarn preparation machines have witnessed fall of 59.98% and 10.12% respectively. In this quarter, Germany is the second largest supplier of textile machines to India. Germany's textile machinery exports to India totalled to US$ 98.57 million with a growth of 8.59% and stakes 10% in the total imports of India's textile machinery. Machinery used for nonwoven was imported the most from Germany to India. Imports totalled to US$ 21.94 million with a growth of 3315.58% in Q1 FY19-20 over the CPLY. Imports of auxiliary machine have gone down by 18.41% to US$ 21.03 million, while imports of spinning, twisting and yarn preparation machines have gone up by 23.33% to US$ 11.18 million. Even sewing machine imports from Germany witnessed a growth of 35.18% to US$ 5.45 million and knitting machine with a growth of 33.37% to US$ 7.64 million in Q1 FY 19-20 over the CPLY. Singapore has now become the third largest supplier, but imports fell 17.74% to US$ 65.99 million in Q1 FY 19-20 over the CPLY where the imports totalled to US$ 80.22 million. The country stakes a share of 7% in the total imports of India's textile machinery. Here printing machinery is exported the most to India from Singapore with a value of US$ 53.58 million, but perceived a negative growth of 12.95%. Japan which was the second largest supplier of textile machinery to India in the first quarter of FY 18-19, has now become the fourth largest supplier. The imports totalled US$ 62.78 million with a drop of 43.56% in Q1 FY 19-20 over the CPLY where the imports totalled to US$ 111.23 million and in this quarter the country stakes a share of 7% from the total imports of India's textile machinery. Here too, printing machinery is  imported the most to India, but perceived a negative growth of 28.33% to US$ 27.66 million in Q1 FY 19-20. Imports of spinning, twisting and yarn preparation have also gone down by 39.89% to US$ 11.02 million. Textile machinery imports from Italy have dropped by 19.63% to US$ 48.49 million in Q1 FY 19-20 over the CPLY. Here printing machinery is majorly imported to India, but the growth has dropped by 15.12% to US$ 17.15 million. Also weaving loom machines imports have witnessed a drop of 31.21% to US% 5.09 in Q1 FY 19-20 over the CPLY where the imports totalled to US$ 10.63 million. Spinning, twisting and yarn preparation machines imports too have witnessed a drop. Belgium which now the sixth largest supplier to India has perceived a growth of 22.59% to US$ 35.17 million in Q1 FY 19-20 over the CPLY and stakes a share of 4% from the total imports of India's textile machinery. Weaving loom machines was imported the most to India from Belgium and surprisingly then imports has nearly doubled in this quarter over CPLY. The imports of weaving looms machine totalled to US$ 24.16 million with a growth of 94.86%. Spinning, twisting and yarn preparation machine imports have increased by 417.16% to US$ 2.13 million. USA is now in India's list of top ten suppliers for textile machinery goods. Exports from USA have increased by 85.16% to US$ 29.57 million and stake a share of 3% in India's total imports of textile machinery. Philippines too have witnessed an increased in the imports to India by 52.56% to US$ 27.66 million in Q1 FY 19-20 over the CPLY. Imports of textile machinery goods from Netherland have witnessed a drop of 2.20% to US$ 27.06 million. Machinery used for nonwoven has been imported the most to India with a value of US$ 11.03 million in Q1 FY 19-20, while the CPLY period there was no imports registered for this commodity. Printing machinery which was supposed to be the most imported commodity from Netherland has witnessed a drop of 36.49% to US$ 9.24 million. Even spinning, twisting and yarn preparation machine imports have dropped by 28.53% to US$ 2.27 million. Auxiliary machine imports have rose by 142.1% to US$ 3.32 million. There has been steep rise in the imports from Korea, marking the country in the top ten suppliers list. The imports totalled to US$ 22.10 million with growth of 38.38% in Q1 FY 19-20 over the CPLY. Printing machine was majorly imported from Korea to India. The imports totalled to US$ 10 million with a growth of 37.61% in Q1 FY 19-20 over the CPLY. Imports of auxiliary machines too have increased by 102.76% to US$ 3.47 million. Knitting machinery imports fell by 21.31% to US$ 1.25 million. (Printing machinery imports also includes imports of computer printers)                    

Textile Excellence


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