Trade & Policy

USTR Initiates Vietnam Section 301 Investigation

At the direction of US president Donald Trump, the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) is initiating an investigation addressing two significant issues with respect to Vietnam. USTR will investigate Vietnam's acts, policies, and practices related to the import and use of timber that is illegally harvested or traded, and will investigate Vietnam's acts, policies, and practices that may contribute to the undervaluation of its currency and the resultant harm caused to US commerce. USTR will conduct the investigation under Section 301 of the 1974 Trade Act. As part of its investigation on currency undervaluation, USTR will consult with the Department of the Treasury as to issues of currency valuation and exchange rate policy. USTR will issue two separate Federal Register notices that will provide details of the investigation and information on how members of the public can provide their views through written submissions.

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