Apparel, Footwear, Fashion

India Eyes Kenya’s Apparel Market

Indian textile makers are eyeing the Kenyan market for exportation of materials, looking to take advantage of the push by the country to increase consumption of locally-made clothes. The textile materials the Indian firms are looking to export to Kenya include fabrics for clothes, carpets, rugs and towels. The Indian firms presented their bids to potential Kenyan apparel makers during the Reverse Buyer Seller Meet (RBSM) Wool and Woollen exhibition in New Delhi. The three-day event which took place from March 25 to 27, saw Kenya’s fashion designers and sourcing agents interact with India’s wool and woollen products manufacturers and exporters. “The ultimate objective of the event was to strengthen “Brand India” image of Made in India Woollen/pashmina/GI products and blended textile products globally,” India’s Wool and Woollens Export Promotion Council (WWEPC) chief executive officer (CEO) Anil Mehta said. Kenyan fashion companies and importers that graced the event included Rialto Enterprises, Occasions and Days Limited, Sao Satorial Limited and Combiat Agencies.

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