
MAG AccuTrash In Bremen Institute

MAG has supplied and installed recently its fully automatic cotton trash testing instrument “AccuTrash” at Bremen Institute, Germany for the ICA Bremen, The Global Centre for Cotton Testing &Research and Bremen Cotton Exchange (BCE). International Cotton Association (ICA), Bremen in association with Bremen Cotton Exchange (BCE) and Bremen Fibre Institute has set up Centre of Excellence for the following related to cotton testing worldwide:

  • International Laboratory Certification
  • Round Trials
  • Cotton Grade Standards
  • Research and Development on Cotton& Testing
  • Quality Expert Certification
  • Cotton Quality Information& Consultancy
The institute will utilise MAG’s AccuTrash – fully automatic trash separator not only for its research purpose related to testing the real trash content in cotton, but also for testing samples received from their clients. Hence it is the recognition for MAG and AccuTrash in cotton fibre testing field worldwide. AccuTrash features include:
  • Provision to test Trash, Lint, Dust & Micro dust separately.
  • Automatic weighing of Trash for Accurate results.
  • Sample size up to 100 grams.
  • Windows based user friendly software for reports.
  • Provision to connect with MAG High Volume FibreTesting.

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