India's textile machinery trade with the world has registered a growth of 6.58% to US$ 4857.91 million in 2018 over the previous year. Undoubtedly, the textile machinery imports take the major share of 83% in the total trade of India's textile machinery in 2018 and have registered a growth of 4.39% to US$ 3849.05 million over the previous year. China, Japan, Germany, Singapore and Italy are the top five sourcing markets for India.
On the other side, textile machinery exports from India registered a minimal growth. The top five export markets for India's textile machinery are Bangladesh, Germany, Turkey, Vietnam and the Netherlands.
India's Textile Machinery Exports in 2018
India's textile machinery exports have registered a growth of 18.84% to US$ 839.78 million in 2018 over corresponding year, where exports totalled to US$ 707.78 million. Though Indian textile machinery exports has shown a vast growth, the sector still lags globally. Globally, in the textile machinery market, India stands on the fourth position, where China is leading in the segment.In the last eight years (2011-2018), Indian textile machinery sector has witnessed an enormous growth of 93.66%. It's only in the year 2016 the sector witnessed a negative growth of 2.75% where the exports totalled to US$ 597.30 million.
In 2018, spinning, twisting and yarn preparation machines, was the largest exported commodity in the segment, with a share of 36% in the India's total textile machinery exports. The export of the commodity totalled to US$ 243.62 million in 2018 with growth of 25.77%. Bangladesh is the top most export market for India's textile machinery. Exports to Bangladesh totalled to US$ 113.39 million with a growth of 12.32% and the country stakes 14% in the total textile machinery exports of India.
Commodity-wise textile machinery exports from India
Indian manufacturers have always been high in demand for their spinning, twisting and yarn preparation machines, which have been the top exported commodity under the textile machinery export segment. In 2018, spinning, twisting and yarn preparation machines exports totalled to US$ 306.4 million with a growth of 25.77% over the previous year. The commodity stakes a share of 36% from the total textile machinery exports of India. Under this commodity, cotton spinning ring frame machine was exported the most with an export value of US$ 174.42 million and growth of 13.43% in 2018 over the previous year. Bangladesh is the top export of Indian cotton spinning ring frame machine with an export value of US$ 33.85 million and it perceived a growth of 17.30% over the previous year. Following Bangladesh is Malaysia with US$ 23.61 million and Vietnam US$ 22.81. Cotton spinning intermediate frames has shown an enormous growth last year of 102.64% to US$ 7.48 million over the previous year's exports. Cotton spinning roving frames also registered a positive growth in last year's export market, the export of the commodity totalled to US$ 17.39 million with a growth of 61.64% over the previous year. Jute fibre spinning machines have registered a negative growth of 19.53% to US$ 19.53 million in 2018 over the previous year.
Auxiliary machinery used with other machine is the second highest commodity in 2018 export market. The exports of auxiliary machinery totalled to US$ 177.11 million with a growth of 16.47% with share of 21% in the total textile machinery export of India in 2018. Parts and accessories of machine used for extruding, drawing and texturing of their auxiliary machinery is the topmost commodity under this segment, the export totalled US$ 45.41 million with a growth of 39.02% in 2018 over the previous year. Netherland is the top export market for the product, with a value of US$ 17.08 million with a growth of 83.63%. For same product, exports to Germany have shown a massive growth of 542.85% to US$ 7.72 million and Germany is the second top export market for the product too. Auxiliary parts and accessories for cotton processing machines has registered a growth of 13.23% with an value of US$ 19.19 million, while auxiliary parts and accessories for other textile fibre processing machine have registered a negative growth of 4.13% in 2018 over the previous year.
Exports of printing machinery* have been steeply rising in the past two years. In 2018, exports of the commodity totalled US$ 121.10 million with a growth of 20.86% over the previous year and it stakes 14% share in the total textile machinery exports of India in 2018. A part of other printing machinery used for ancillary to printing is the topmost commodity exported under the section from India to the world. The exports of this commodity totalled to US$ 19.35 million with a growth of 15.13% in 2018 over the previous year. Japan is the topmost export market for this commodity and the exports totalled US$ 8.07 million with a growth of 26.68% in 2018 over the previous year. Offset printing machinery reel fed is the second topmost commodity with an export of US$ 17.29 million witnessing a growth of 57.11% in 2018 over the previous year.
Weaving machine (looms) exports has witnessed a growth of 24.54% to US$ 37.42 million in 2018 over the previous year, while the commodity witnessed a drop of 2.30% in 2017 over the previous year. Knitting machine which has always been low on demand for India has gone down more in 2018 by 50.12% to US$ 2.18 million over the previous year. Under this commodity knitting machine N.E.S has witnessed a drop of 63.21% to US$ 0.96 million.
Sewing machine too has witnessed a drop in 2017 exports, have marginally gained in demand last year. In 2018, the export of sewing machines totalled to US$ 58.10 million with a growth of 4.98% over the previous year and accounts for a share of 7% in the total textile machinery export of India in 2018. Under this commodity, needles for other types (excluding HH type) of sewing machine have been exported the most from India. The exports totalled to US$ 19.74 million with a growth of 8.12%. While needles used for HH types of sewing machines witnessed a growth of 14.98% to US$ 3.41 million.
Country-wise textile machinery exports from India
Bangladesh remains the top export market of India's textile machinery products. Exports to Bangladesh totalled to US$ 113.39 million with a growth of 12.32% in 2018 over the previous year and it stakes 14% share in the total textile machinery exports from India. Spinning, twisting and yarn preparation machines were the most exported commodity to Bangladesh in 2018 with value of US$ 55.64 million with a marginal growth of 6.91% in 2018 over the previous year. Printing machinery exports to Bangladesh increased 73.92% to US$ 21.28 million. Weaving machines exports have increased by 26% to US$ 4.33 million, while sewing machines dropped by 35.6% to US$ 2.35 million in 2018. Germany also retained its position as the second top export market for India's textile machinery products. Exports to Germany totalled to US$ 64.95 million with growth of 17.90% and stakes 8% in the total textile machinery exports of India in 2018. Auxiliary machine is the top exported commodity to Germany and has perceived a growth of 32.61% to US$ 23.82 million in 2018. Export of spinning, twisting and yarn preparation machine to Germany has also shown improvement in 2018 over the previous year. Exports of the commodity totalled to US$ 9.23 million with a growth of 131.78%. Sewing machinery has also shown a positive growth in Germany's export market, with a value of US$ 14.67 million, growth of 10.16% in 2018. Knitting machinery has gone down drastically by 97% totalling to US$ 0.02 million in 2018 over the previous year where the export value was US$ 2.28 million.
Turkey which ranked as the 10th largest export market for India's textile machinery in 2017 is now the third largest market in 2018. Exports to Turkey totalled to US$ 54.97 million with a growth of 168.41% and stakes 7% share in the total textile machinery exports of India in 2018. The mammoth growth of India's textile machinery export to Turkey was due to heavy demand of spinning, twisting and yarn preparation machine exports, which totalled US$ 31.52 million with a growth of 310.20%. Even printing machinery exports have increased last year, which totalled to US$ 4.78 million from US$ 0.65 million in 2017. Auxiliary machine exports have increased marginally by 22.77% to US$ 4.24 million.
Vietnam too has become an attractive export market for Indian textile machinery products, as the country stands as the fourth largest export market for India in 2018, whereas in 2017 the country stood on the seventh rank. Exports to Vietnam totalled to US$ 49.26 million with a growth of 101.72% and share 6% in the total textile machinery exports of India. Here too spinning, twisting and yarn preparation machine commodity high demand has brought more export value to the country from Vietnam. Exports of spinning, twisting and yarn preparation totalled to US$ 37.85 million with a growth of 133.73%. Weaving machine (loom) has perceived a growth of 79.14% to US$ 4.99 million over the previous year.
Textile machinery exports to the Netherlands have increased marginally by 4.02% to US$ 46.26 million in 2018 over the previous year where the exports totalled to US$ 44.57 million and the country stands as the fifth largest market of India's textile machinery in 2018. Exports of auxiliary machines nearly doubled to US$ 17.21 million in 2018 from US$ 9.45 million in 2017 perceiving a growth of 82.12%, making it the topmost commodity exported to Netherland. The second most exported commodity to Netherland is the spinning, twisting & yarn preparation machine, the exports totalled to US$ 23.20 million, but perceived a negative growth of 25.24% in 2018 over the previous year. Printing machinery exports have gone up by 48.67% to US$ 5.47 million in 2018 over the previous year.
Exports to Pakistan have marginally increased by 0.83%, but have gone down by two ranks, now standing as the sixth largest export market for India's textile machinery. The exports totalled to US$ 39.87 million in 2018 over the previous year exports which totalled to US$ 39.54 million. Spinning, twisting and yarn preparation machine, the most exported commodity to Pakistan perceived a negative growth of 5.32% to US$ 30.02 million in 2018 over the previous year. Exports of weaving machine, auxiliary machine and printing machine have registered luminous growths of 148.72%, 133.33%, and 91.42% respectively.
The other top export markets for Indian textile machinery are China, Indonesia, Malaysia and Kenya respective to their ranks.
India's Textile Machinery Imports
India's textile machinery imports have witnessed a marginally growth of 4.39% to US$ 40183.13 million in 2018 over the previous year. Printing machinery* exports which totalled to US$ 1541.92 million in 2018 with growth of 11.16% is the largest import commodity to India.
The commodity stakes 38% share from India's total imports of textile machinery. China remains as the topmost supplier for textile machinery to India.China's exports to India totalled to US$ 1445.77 million in 2018, but the country received a negative growth of 3.24% over the previous year and China stakes 36% share from the total imports of India's textile machinery.
Commodity-wise textile machinery imports by India
Printing machinery is the topmost commodity imported to India with a value of US$ 1541.92 million with a growth of 11.16% in 2018 over the previous year. The commodity stakes 38% share in the total textile machinery imports of India. Machines which perform two or more functions for printing was imported the most by India from the world, the imports of the commodity totalled to US$ 379.89 million with a growth of 17.7% in 2018 over previous year.
India's weaving machinery (looms) imports which account for 13% share in the total textile machinery imports and is the second largest imported commodity by India, registered a growth of 6.99% to US$ 502.64 million in 2018 over the previous year. In 2017, the weaving machinery imported had dropped by 5.09% to US$ 469.79 million over 2016 imports. Cotton weaving automatic powerloom machine was imported the most to India from the world, the imports of the commodity totalled to US$ 91.71 million with growth of 1.8% in 2018 over the previous year. Auxiliary machinery imports have always registered a positive growth from 2015. In 2018 imports, auxiliary machinery has witnessed a growth of 3.83% to US$ 396.88 million over the previous year. Auxiliary parts and accessories used for extruding, drawing & texturing machinery, which is the second most imported commodity under this segment, perceived a negative growth of 7.22% to US$ 73.51 million in 2018 over the previous year.
Imports of spinning, twisting and yarn preparation machine have unexpectedly lost its growth by 14.17% to US$ 331.64 million in 2018 over the previous year imports which totalled to US$ 386.39 million. Here cotton yarn winding is the top commodity imported to the country with an import of US$ 74.73 million, but it perceived a negative growth of 31.93% in 2018 over the previous year. India has registered high imports of cotton spinning machines in 2018, the imports totalled to US$ 71.56 million with a growth of 84.76%. Knitting machinery imports to India have drastically reduced by 36.47% to US$ 287.30 million in 2018 over the previous year. The commodity accounts for 7% sharein the total imports of Indian textile machinery. Machinery used for embroidery was imported the most under this category, but the commodity perceived a negative growth of 47.13% in 2018 to US$ 116.13 million over the previous year. Cotton hosiery machine imports showed a marginal improvement of 15.84% to US$ 2.83 million in 2018.
Extruding, drawing, texturing machinery has witnessed an implausible growth of 83.99% to US$ 156.43 million in 2018 over the previous year and stakes 4% share in the total imports of India's textile machinery. Imports of machinery for manufacturing of finishing felt or nonwoven has gone up by 5.26% to US$ 34.60 million in 2018 over the previous year.
Country-wise textile machinery imports by India
County-wise, China remains the largest supplier of textile machines to India. Imports from China totalled to US$ 1445.77 million in 2018 over the previous year, but it perceived a negative growth of 3.24% and it stakes 36% share in the total imports of Indian textile machinery. Printing machinery was the most imported commodity from China to the country, the import value totalled to US$ 486.58 million. Knitting machinery has witnessed a drop of 38.48% in its imports to India from China. The import totalled to US$ 182.90 million in 2018 over the previous year. Imports of spinning, twisting and yarn preparation machine have too registered a negative growth of 23.22% to US$ 64.91 million. Auxiliary machinery imports have gone up 37.42% to US$ 110 million. Japan is the second largest textile machinery supplier to India and it accounts for a share of 12% in India's total textile machinery imports. India's imports of Japanese textile machinery amounted to US$ 470.14 million in 2018, but witnessed a negative growth of 18.40% over the previous year. Printing machinery were the most imported commodity from Japan, the import value of this commodity totalled to US$ 153.01 million, but received a negative growth of 35.84% in 2018 over the previous year. Weaving machines imports have shown a marginal growth of 3.7% to US$ 150.30 million in 2018 over the previous year. Spinning, twisting and yarn preparation machinery, extruding, drawing, texturing machinery, knitting machinery, auxiliary machinery and sewing machinery imports, all have registered a negative growth of 4.06%, 13.14%, 23.78%, 23.99% and 16.87% in 2018 over the previous year. Germany accounts for 11% share in India's textile machinery imports. The country currently is the third largest textile machinery supplier to India. The imports totalled to US$ 434.88 million with a growth 14.04% in 2018 over the previous year. Auxiliary machines are the most imported commodity from Germany to India, the import totalled to US$ 113.59 million with growth of 13.5% in 2018 over the previous year. Spinning, twisting and yarn preparation machinery imports have dropped drastically by 55.6% to US$ 56.64 million in 2018 over the previous year. Extruding, drawing, texturing machinery and knitting machinery both the commodities imports have dropped by 55.60% and 62.53% in 2018 over the previous year. Imports of textile machinery from Singapore witnessed a growth of 236.72% to US$ 250.25 million over the previous year and shares 6% in the total imports of India's textile machinery. The top commodity imported by India is printing machinery with an import value of US$ 177.97 million and growth of 314.58%in 2018 over the previous year. Sewing machinery also has witnessed a good growth of 122.84% to US$ 53.56 million and is the second largest imported commodity from Singapore to India. Auxiliary machinery imports have registered a slight growth of 20.07% to US$ 6.21 million in 2018 over the previous year.
India has witnessed a decrease in its imports from Italy by 6.51% in 2018 to US$ 209.66 million over the previous year. Currently Italy stakes 5% share in the total imports of India's textile machinery. Here too printing machinery commodity is the top most commodity imported from Italy to India. The imports totalled to US$ 70.81 million, 23.22% in 2018 over the previous year. Imports of weaving machines have remained stagnant in 2018 over the previous year, the imports totalled to US$ 34.78 million with a growth of 0.28%. Knitting machinery imports have shown an impressive growth of 60.36% with value of US$ 9.35 million in 2018 over the previous year. Spinning, twisting and yarn preparation machinery imports too have witnessed a drop by 35.77% in 2018 over the previous year with imports of US$ 30.2 million.Belgium now stands as the sixth largest supplier of textile machinery to India. The country's exports to India totalled US$ 145.74 million with a growth of 44.67% in 2018 over the previous year and shares 4% in the total imports of India's textile machinery. Weaving machinery is the top most commodity imported to the India from Belgium, with an import value of US$ 72.51 million, but the commodity witnessed a negative growth of 11.72% in 2018 over the previous year. Spinning, twisting and yarn preparation machinery imports have gone up by 951.64% to US$ 15.58 million. Knitting machinery too has witnessed a positive growth of 27.74% to US$ 17.06 million in 2018 over the previous year. The other top imports markets for Indian textile machinery are Switzerland, the Philippines, USA & Vietnam.
*Printing machinery also includes imports and exports of computer printers
Textile Excellence
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