
LMW Offers Complete Range Of Automated Solutions To Bangladeshi Spinning Industry

Lakshmi Machine Works, one of the leaders in spinning machines, has sold more than a million spindles to the Bangladesh market. The company expects to cross the two million mark shortly. In an interview with Textile Excellence,C Arunachalam, General Manager, Exports, LMW, talks about the  leadership position the company enjoys in Bangladesh's spinning industry.


How important is the Bangladesh market for you?

This is a very important market for LMW. We have been in the Bangladesh market for the last 25 years. Our ring frames are quite popular in the spinning industry here, we sell around 100,000-200,000 spindles per year.  Last six months were quite dull, but since the last week, we have again started to receive a lot of enquiries. 2014 should be a good year. We expect the market to buy around 400,000 spindles this year, overall. We enjoy around 40 percent market share in this. Both knitting and weaving capacities are increasing in Bangladesh, which is attracting investments in the spinning sector too. 


What new are you showcasing at DTG 2014?

At DTG 2014, we are celebrating our million spindles mark in the Bangladesh market - we have supplied over a million spindles in this market, aiming to achieve the two million mark shortly. We are expanding our product offerings to the Bangladesh market now, making available the entire product range of LMW. Automation is high on the list of demands of spinning mills here, and we offer a number of solutions in speed frames, cards, combers, blowroom, etc.  LMW's ring frame with auto-doffer has been very successful in this market, and is performing successfully in the mills where it has been installed. The company will also begin supplying its longest ring frame with 1824 spindles, to this market. In terms of technology, from being a follower, we are now not only at par with global players, but also lead in technology innovations. 


What is your after sales service pitch?

A complete range of products at competitive prices, backed by an efficient support service is key to our success in this market. We have set up our own office, with a qualified service engineer at the helm.  Besides having professionally trained people to service customers, we are now also concentrating on building up stocks of spares. This reduces downtime, we will not need to depend on getting spares from India, delivery time to customers improves significantly. This will further go towards improving our business in the market.                                 


Textile Excellence

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