Market News

In India, 20% More Area Under Cotton Cultivation In 2022-23 Season

Buoyed by high price and demand, area under cotton cultivation is likely to witness increase this season. In 2021-22, farmers got Rs 13,000 per quintal, which was more than double the MSP of Rs 6,025 per quintal fixed by the Indian government. Punjab has set a target to grow cotton crop on 4 lakh hectares (23% hike) this kharif season, despite the dismay period last year as crop was damaged due to pink bollworm attack. A total of 3.35 lakh hectares were under cotton crop in 2021, which was 75,000 hectares more than 2020 (2.50 lakh hectares). The agriculture experts claimed that sowing area would expand by 20-25% in 10 cotton-growing states in the country. Moreover, the Agriculture Department was prepared to assist cotton growers as it would provide pheromone traps for free with cottonseed packets to control pest for the 2022-23 season. Dr Pakhar Singh, District Agriculture officer, Bathinda, said, “A target of 4 lakh hectares under cotton crop has been kept in the state of Punjab. For Bathinda district, the target has been set at 80,000 hectares.” Talking about efforts to curb pest attack, the DAO, said “Since December, we are holding awareness camps in the villages to make farmers aware about the pest attack. Cotton mills have been cleaned to save crop from pink bollworm attack.” Meanwhile, market analysts stated that cotton price was directly linked with supply and demand. Last year, cotton production across the world was less, due to which price was high. In the coming season, if production stays on the higher side, then price may drop.

Textile Excellence

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